The artist is Bertha Medina, from Cochas Chico Huancayo, a small village high in the Andes of Peru. Bertha learned the art of gourd carving at the age of five from her father, Evaristo Medina, who is also world-famous for his work. Gourd carving goes back generations in the Medina family. Each gourd is unique and tells a story of daily life in the Peruvian Andes. The gourds she carves are grown only on the coast of Peru, and she travels there to find the right gourd for each creation. Once collected, the gourds are painstakingly hand-carved using a variety of knives, awls, and other tools. Details are then hand-painted onto the gourd, or other shading effects are created using burning cords or small twigs to mark the gourd’s surface.